EG Artisan and Farmers Market logo

2025 East Gwillimbury Artisan and Farmers Market (EGAFM) Applications are now OPEN!

Welcome to the EG Artisan and Farmers Market, celebrating its 15th year! Located at the East Gwillimbury Civic Centre (19000 Leslie St, Sharon) every Thursday from 2 to 7 p.m., from May 22 to September 11, 2025.

Connect with local farmers, indulge in sweet treats, browse unique artisan vendors, and enjoy the family fun atmosphere while supporting local businesses! The EG Farmers market brings our community together each week as a place to eat, have a beer, shop local, and be entertained with live music and kids activities. 

Stay updated weekly by visiting this webpage, or on our socials at:

Facebook: East Gwillimbury Farmers Market

Instagram: EGFarmersMarket

Now Accepting Applications to be a vendor!

We invite businesses, farmers, community groups, not-for-profit organizations, youth entrepreneurs, and food trucks to join our 2025 season.

Vendor Application Form Here

Please note application approval and payment: Submitting an application does not guarantee acceptance to the market. All applications will be considered for review. Applicants will be notified by email of approval and will receive a payment invoice. Fees must be paid within 10-days of approval email. Spots will not be held and fees are non-refundable and not transferable. Approved vendors will be required to read and abide by the Rules and Regulations policy. 

Important EGAFM Information

For more information on the market, vendor requirements, and Rules and Regulations, please refer to below:

 General Vendor Requirements

Vendor and Product Eligibility (Grow It, Bake It, Make It)

We encourage a "grow it, bake it, make it" eligibility when approving vendors. The EG Farmers Market Advisory Committee will endeavor to provide variety and choice for our customers when selecting/approving vendors for the market, therefore there will be no exclusivity for any product. Each Vendor is responsible for providing verification that all saleable products are produced in Ontario and authentically "homemade".


Artisan vendors:

The EGFM Advisory Committee reserves the right to request copies or images of items that are for sale prior to the approval of an application. Arts and crafts items shall be 100% original, handcrafted, not factory or commercially produced. Flea market or similar mass-manufactured items are not permitted. Space for craft vendors will be limited at the discretion of the Market Manager. Craft vendors may be asked to submit photos/samples of their work to the working group for approval prior to acceptance as Vendors. All items intended for sale must be listed on the Vendor Application form.


Alcohol vendors:

All vendors selling alcohol must have approval from the alcohol and gaming commission of Ontario prior to selling at the market. Upon application approval, please email the relevant paperwork and staff Smart serve cards showing AGCO market approval to the Events team. Alcohol vendors are to only provide product sales and sampling. Customer alcohol consumption is not permitted during the event, unless the Town of EG has advertised a liquor license is obtained during event. 


Egg farmer vendors:

Eggs must be graded at an approved egg grading station before being offered for sale to the public. All vendors selling eggs must provide the contact and number of the egg grading station, as registered under the Canada Agricultural Products Act - Egg Grading Station #. As per Public Health, eggs are a potentially hazardous food that needs to be kept cold - less than 4°C (40°F) in a refrigerator, or cooler with ice packs, and with an accurate indicating thermometer.

 Application and Fees

To be a vendor at the East Gwillimbury Artisan and Farmers Market, each vendor must apply and pay the invoiced fee, which covers rental space within the market, along with parking onsite. All payment details will be communicated upon acceptance. Payment will only be accepted once your business has been accepted to take part in the market.


The East Gwillimbury Artisan and Farmers Market will not accept any applications on market days, as 48-hrs min is required for turnaround approval and payment. Non-registered vendors are not permitted and must leave the market if this does occur. Payment must be received within 10 business days of market acceptance. If not received, another application will be considered.

Payments are non-refundable and not transferable to another event, or market year.

 Vendor Space

All vendor spaces will be assigned by the Events staff/Market Manager. Early Bird vendors will be able to make preferred location requests for consideration before regular vendor rates (after March 1st). Returning vendors are not guaranteed the same space as previous years and spots will not be held.


Vendors are responsible for supplying, setting up and removing their tables, chairs, tents, weights, canopies/coverings, and display materials. It is the responsibility of the vendor to supply their own electrical cord if electrical has been approved/paid. Vendors are responsible to have all canopies secured with enough weights (approx. 25 lbs per leg). *The Town of EG, Staff, EG volunteers, and EG Farmers Market are not responsible for damages to vendor supplies.


Vendor booths are not permitted to be shared.


Food Business Vendors and Food Trucks Compliance (Public Health and Permits)

Food and beverage vendors must provide to the Events team/Market Manager a copy of their York Region Public Health Application for Events form prior to attending. YRPH approved inspected food prepared sites and Food Handling certifications are required. Uninspected home prepared foods is not acceptable. Failure to provide a YRPH form will result in removal from the market and forfeit of any fees. 


Please find the York Region Public Health Application for Events form and additional YRPH food safety HERE  


Food trucks must request and pay for electrical usage, otherwise requires their own generator. Food trucks must have a recent Fire Inspection and Licensing Forms available for review. Failure to abide by these rules and regulations will result in removal from the event. Please contact EG's By-Laws department for more information.    



Vendors are asked to dispose of garbage throughout the duration of the event and at teardown. *Do not leave any leftover bags of food, etc. as all garbage must be able to be placed into the Town provided garbage/recycling cans at the event.  

Food Trucks must take food garbage, cooking oil, etc. with them and not dispose in Town garbage bins. 

Liability Insurance
EGAFM's Liability Insurance Policy covers the EG Artisan and Farmers Market and Town of EG. This policy is limited to public liability ONLY. It does not cover personal injury to a vendor and damage to a vendor’s equipment, materials, and products. It is recommended vendors obtain their own insurance.
 Cancellation of Market Days

We strive to make a weather decision as early as possible. Any cancellations will be emailed to vendors and communicated to the public through social media, website, and Town of EG communications. 


The EGAFM is an outdoor market that operates rain or shine (unless the weather is an extreme), through several months. Dates will not be rescheduled and no refunds will be issued for any vendor who does not attend as scheduled. 


We ask that vendors are prepared for weather. The EG Events staff/Market Manager reserves the right to cancel or close the market should there be severe weather conditions. Emergency Plans with extreme weather conditions are prepared and managed by the Town of EG Events staff.  

 If you have any questions regarding the Farmers Market 2025 Application, please send us an email.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The EG Artisan and Farmers Market would love to partner with you! Learn about our Sponsorship Opportunities, tailored to your budget, and how your business can support as a community partner. 

For more information, please send us an email.

Lil Farmer Club

NEW this year, the Lil Farmer Club for children attending the East Gwillimbury Farmers Market to enjoy fun activities and games! Check out weekly kids activities including:

Lil Farmer Club logo

  • Scavenger hunts
  • Colouring and activity sheets
  • Games area
  • Learning about animals and farming
  • Storybook time
  • And more

Become a Volunteer!

We're always looking for volunteers to assist at the market! For more information regarding volunteering opportunities, please visit our Volunteering page and become an Engaged EG Volunteer.

Questions and feedback?

We want to make the weekly Farmers Market a fun event for the whole family. Let us know how we're doing. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the Farmers Market, please send us an email.

Photo Gallery: Farmers Market will appear here on the public site.