Both outdoor skating rinks are now closed due to warmer weather conditions. Please visit the Public Skating page for details.

The Town of East Gwillimbury (EG) is home to various parklands and trails with more than 40 parks, gardens, and sports fields. Whether you're looking for a place to walk or bike, get together with friends and family, or cool down at one or our splash pads, we have a park or trail for you.

Emily Park and Simcoe Trail
Emily Park and Simcoe Trail

Learn more about the Emily Park Redevelopment and Simcoe Trail Extension project. Visit the page for more information. 

Bicycle Safety

This summer, make sure you and your loved ones are staying safe while riding your bicycles. Be proactive and register you bicycle, and review bicycle safety tips! 

Register your Bicycle

Remember your ABC's before going out for a ride:

  • A: Do your tires have air?
  • B: Are your brakes working?
  • C: Is your chain in good-working order?
Also make sure, when leaving your bike in a public place, that you have a lock to secure it with.

Safety Tips:

  • Always wear a properly-fitted bike helmet
  • Never cycle with headphones
  • Wear reflective clothing
  • Install reflectors, front and rear lights, and a bell or horn on your bike
  • Obey all traffic signals and follow the rules of the road
  • Use proper hand signals so other road users know which way you are going

Learn more about the parks in EG and other amenities like splash pads and outdoor skating!


Explore EG on one of our trails today! 

Sports Fields
Sports Fields

View our soccer field and ball diamond rates.

Community Parks Watch
Community Parks Watch

See a problem or spot graffiti? Let us know!

Field Closures
Field Closures

Stay up to date with field and diamond closures due to weather conditions.

Tree Planting and Bench Dedication Program
Tree Planting and Bench Dedication Program

Learn more!