File Number: ZBA.21.06, SPA.21.15 and 19T-14001

Applicant Name: Acorn Developments

The applicant is proposing to develop a total of sixty-five (65) residential units in a stacked, back-to-back townhouse development. In total, 4 townhouse blocks are proposed across the two properties with an internal private road. All four proposed blocks are 3 storeys in height.

The proposed redline revision on the draft approved plan of subdivision seeks to include the property 18508 Leslie Street within the draft approved Plan of Subdivision (19T-14001). The application also proposes to facilitate the development of a proposed 44-unit townhouse project.

Application status

The Zoning By-law Amendment application has been approved. The Site Plan application is currently under review. The redline revision on the draft approved plan of subdivision is currently under review.

Public consultation
A public meeting for red line revision to the subdivision application was held on March 18, 2025.
Application documents and materials

View the application documents and materials: 

View the application documents and materials for the redline revision to draft approved plan of subdivision:

Location map:

Location map

Active Applications