File Number: OPA.22.01, ZBA.22.02, 19T-22001 & SPA.22.08

Applicant Name: Holland Hope General Partners Inc.

The applicant is seeking to rezone the subject properties from "Mixed-Use One” (MU1) to “Residential Four” (R4) Zone. The proposal seeks to develop a total of ninety-seven (97) residential units in the form of four-storey townhouse dwellings, ground floor commercial with underground parking and private lane-way access on the subject properties.

Appeal Status

View the OLT Case Information page

This application was subject to an appeal by the applicant. The Ontario Land Tribunal allowed the Appeals of the Zoning By-law Amendment Application, the Official Plan Amendment Application and the Site Plan Approval Application subject to the following conditions:

1. The Parties are directed to provide the Tribunal with revised forms of the Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan amendment and Site Plan that incorporate the planners’ agreed changes;

2. The Tribunal Orders that the form of the development on the Subject Property proceed substantially in accordance with the Site Plan drawings provided during the hearing and that the permission allowing the five storey mixed-use building is limited to the building proposed for the northwest corner of the Subject Property, and not for any other building;

3. The Tribunal Orders that the Zoning By-law Amendment include a Holding symbol (“H”) and contain a provision that the following conditions must be satisfied for its removal:

i. The Region and the Town have confirmed that servicing allocation is available and that the Town has allocated sufficient capacity to the Proposed Development;

ii. No Site Plan Agreement shall be executed for the Subject Site until such time as Council has allocated sufficient servicing allocation to facilitate the proposed development on the Subject Site.18 OLT-23-000445

Servicing allocation cannot be confirmed until additional capacity is made available through a future expansion of the YDSS.

View the revised site plan.

Appeal Background

On May 8, 2023, the applicant filed the following appeals with the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT):

  • Under section 22(7) of the Planning Act, failure of the Approval Authority (Town of East Gwillimbury) to make a decision respecting a Proposed Official Plan Amendment.
  • Under section 34(11) of the Planning Act, failure of the Approval Authority (Town of East Gwillimbury) to make a decision respecting the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.
  • Under section 41(12) of the Planning Act, failure of the Approval Authority (Town of East Gwillimbury) to make a decision respecting the Proposed Site Plan Application.

On August 11, 2023 the OLT held a Case Management Conference to discuss the appeal, identify parties and participants and determine next steps.

The OLT Case Number for these appeals is OLT-23-00045. For more information on the case, view the OLT’s website

For more information on the OLT process and procedures, view the OLT Hearings Guide

A public meeting for this application was held on March 21 at 6:00 p.m.

Active Applications