Pool permit fees

 The following fees are required for pool permit application. 

Pool permit $193.00
Lot grading review $88.30
Road occupancy permit (if required) - this fee is required for storage of materials or parking pool company vehicles on the roadway during the issuance of the pool permit $79.10 (includes HST)
Septic review fee (if required) $200.00
Pool deposit (returned upon final inspection)
Required for inground pools only.

Permit fees can be paid in-person, by visiting Customer Service during regular business hours, by mail to the Town Office at 19000 Leslie Street, Sharon, Ontario, L0G 1V0 or dropped off in the secure drop-box located outside of the Civic Centre. 

Pool enclosure by-law  Pool/Hot Tub Enclosure Permit Application

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions concerning your application, please email the By-law Department or call them at

Do I require a pool permit for an above ground pool or swim spa?

Yes, any artificial body of water that is capable of being used for swimming, the depth of which can exceed 24 inches requires a permit.
Can I alter or replace an existing pool fence without a permit? 
No, any alteration to an existing pool fence requires a pool permit.

Can I construct a pool on my property if it is regulated by Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority (LSRCA)?

Any proposed pool construction on lands over which LSRCA has jurisdiction require approval from the LSRCA prior to construction. Their contact number is 905‐895‐1281.

Can I construct a pool on my property if it is not yet assumed by the Town?

Any proposed pool that is within an un-assumed plan of subdivision, requires written approval of the developer or authorized agent of the developer of the plan of subdivision, prior to a permit being issued.

Can I construct a pool if my property is located within Oak Ridge Moraine?

If your property is located within the Oak Ridge Moraine you may be required to obtain approval from the Town’s Planning Department prior to applying for a pool permit.

How long will my permit take to review?

Approximately 15 business days, however reviews could take longer due to the volume of applications.

My pool is now constructed, who do I contact to schedule a final inspection?

Please email the By-law Department or call them at 905-478-4282 for a final inspection of the pool enclosure prior to water being placed in the pool.