1. Why is the Sewage System Maintenance Inspection Program taking place?
Regulations were established by the Ontario Building Code on January 1, 2011, in light of the Walkerton tragedy, to help protect drinking water and minimize potential sources of contamination into the environment.
In support of the Clean Water Act and the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority’s (LSRCA) Source Water Protection Plan, this mandatory program will help identify malfunctioning or failed sewage systems (septic) that could contribute to possible bacterial pollution to the vulnerable wellhead catchments and conservation areas.
2. Which areas of the Town does the Maintenance Inspection Program apply?
Properties that are located within 100 meters of the Lake Simcoe shoreline or within 100 meters of a river, stream, lake or pond flowing towards Lake Simcoe and properties within the vulnerable area as defined in the Clean Water Protection Act and identified in the Source Water Protection Plan. They include a significant groundwater recharge area, a highly vulnerable aquifer, a surface water intake protection zone and a wellhead protection area, all regulated by LSRCA.
3. What is the property owner’s responsibility?
Property owners are required to contact a provincially approved and qualified contractor/designer with an authorized (BCIN) who will provide a Sewage System Condition Certificate and if necessary, a Septic Tank Pump-Out Receipt.
The Sewage System Maintenance Program requires property owners to submit a Sewage System Certificate and if necessary, a Septic Tank Pump-out Receipt, every five (5) years thereafter.
4. How do I find a qualified inspector?
The Town will accept any fully insured company that is licensed with the Ministry of Environment for tank pump out services. Inspectors must have a current BCIN registered with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. A list of local inspectors has been provided for convenience purposes only. By providing this list the Town is not endorsing any of those companies listed.
5. What is the inspection looking for?
The inspection will review site conditions of the septic system. This includes clearance to wells, streams, and water bodies, physical location of the system components, signs of system malfunction, and documentation of site attributes for future maintenance inspections. The age of the system is not the key determinant when conducting a visual inspection as many old systems will likely be found to be operating in good condition. Initial inspections are designed to be non-intrusive tests and will generally avoid significant disturbance to the system and surrounding area. However, should deficiencies or unsafe situations be reported, staff will assist you in the steps required to bring the system into compliance.
6. What happens if the inspection fails?
Systems that are not in compliance with standards and regulations will be required to be brought up to standard. This may require the issuance of a building permit for repair or replacement of current systems for major issues. Should your system not be in compliance with standards please contact the Building Branch at 905-478-4283 ext. 1222 or by email at building@eastgwillimbury.ca and speak to your areas Inspector. Assistance will be provided on which the steps to take for compliance.
7. What is the deadline?
The Sewage System Certificate must be submitted by December 6, 2024. If not submitted on this deadline, the Town will be required to engage the services of a qualified person to perform the site inspection and as per the Town’s Building By-law, you will be charged an administration fee of $150 fee a $600 fee for the inspection and pump-out fee by a qualified person.
8. What is an estimated cost to the property owner?
There is no Town associated fee to property owners who submit the required documents by the deadline. The property owner is responsible for paying any fees related to the sewage system inspection and if necessary, the pumping of the septic tank. Inspection fees charged by qualified contractors may vary, however, a typical estimation of an inspection is $350 with an additional $150 for the required certificate.