The Province of Ontario requires that all properties with septic systems located within 100 meters of the Lake Simcoe shoreline, water courses within the Lake Simcoe watershed, and septic systems located within an area around a York Region drinking water well must have a septic system maintenance inspection completed every five years. A properly maintained septic system ensures that:

  • drinking water sources are not polluted (private and public wells)
  • the environment is not polluted

The Town of East Gwillimbury (EG)'s Sewage System Maintenance Inspection Program was substantially completed in 2020 for the Wellhead Protection Areas (WHPA). The program required residents with subject properties to hire a qualified person to complete the inspections and to carry out any necessary repairs. The next round of inspections in the WHPA will be conducted in 2025. Residents with septic systems within the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan have already been notified that their septic system needs to be inspected.

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