Appointed by Town Council, the Committee of Adjustment consists of six members of East Gwillimbury (EG) residents who meets once a month to help make decisions on Minor Variance, Consent and Permission applications.
Application Submission Deadline | Sign Posting Deadline | Meeting Date |
December 21 |
January 15 |
January 29 |
January 28 |
February 12 |
February 26 |
February 25 |
March 12 |
March 26 |
April 1 |
April 16 |
April 30 |
April 29 |
May 14 |
May 28 |
May 27 |
June 11 |
June 25 |
July 1 |
July 16 |
July 30 |
July 29 |
August 13 |
August 27 |
August 26 |
September 10 |
September 24 |
September 30 |
October 15 |
October 29 |
October 28 |
November 12 |
November 26 |
There is no meeting in December 2025.
To find out the latest or previous applications reviewed by the Committee of Adjustment, please see the Committee of Adjustment Agendas.
What is a Minor Variance Application? |
A Minor Variance Application is a request through the Committee of Adjustment for permission to make changes to your property such as a driveway widening, enlarging an existing building, or constructing a new structure that does not meet the zoning by-law's requirements. You may also need to apply for a minor variance if you are proposing extensions, enlargements or variations of existing legal non-conforming uses under the Zoning By-law. |
Criteria used to evaluate the Minor Variance Application |
For Planning staff to recommend approval to the proposed Minor Variance Application, it must meet the following four criteria:
*Note: Minor in nature does not always mean the percentage of variance from what the Zoning By-law requires. Case law demonstrates that minor in nature means it will not have any adverse impact to the surrounding area. |
When do you need a Consent Application? |
You need a Consent Application to:
Committee of Adjustment Process |
Typically, the Committee of Adjustment (COA) process takes about two months to complete. Planning staff will need to notify the public and the commenting agencies a month ahead of the meeting. After the decision by the COA, there is another 20 days to allow anyone to appeal the decision of the COA. For more information on the application process, please view the Minor Variance & Consent Application process flow chart. This document is available in other formats, please contact Planning staff to request. |
What is a Preliminary Zoning Review? |
Prior to making any application to the Committee of Adjustment, you must complete a Preliminary Zoning Review (this document is available in other formats, please contact Planning staff to request) for both Minor Variance and Consent applications. The Zoning Review will identify the exact variances and consent details being applied for. The review is subject to a review fee which can be made payable to the Town of East Gwillimbury. |
Preliminary Zoning Review - Simple Preliminary Zoning Review - Complex | $146.40 $292.80 |
Minor Variance |
$2,057.70 |
Re-circulation (Minor Variance) |
$1,326.70 |
Change of Conditions (Minor Variance) |
$948.80 |
Consent | $4,208.20 |
Plus: per new lot created | $1,896.40 |
Re-circulation (Consent) | $2,964.00 |
Change of Conditions (Consent) | $1,778.60 |
Validation of Title | $3,946.70 |
Application Forms |
Once you have completed your application form, please contact the Committee of Adjustment for next steps. These documents are available in other formats, please contact Planning staff to request. |
How do I appeal the decision of the Committee of Adjustment? |
You may appeal the Committee of Adjustment's decision to the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal. Please contact staff for more details and the cost associated with the appeal. The Appeal Forms are available on the Ontario Land Tribunal's website. |
Register to participate in an electronic hearing |
Committee of Adjustment hearings are conducted virtually. To participate in the meeting, you must pre-register in advance. Submit your registration to participate via email. Attach any materials you wish to include in your presentation to the email. You must send your registration email no later than noon on the day of the meeting. We are unable to accept registrations after the deadline. |
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