What is an Official Plan?

An Official Plan sets the vision for the long-term growth and development within the Town of East Gwillimbury (EG). The Town prepares the Official Plan with input from members of the public, stakeholders, Town Staff and Council.

The Official Plan provides policy direction on where in EG parks, employment, housing, and other lands uses should go. It also sets the long-term goals for roads and trails and other hard services and amenities. Furthermore, the Official plan provides protection to the Town's natural environment such as the Oak Ridges Moraine and Greenbelt.

The Town of East Gwillimbury Official Plan and Schedules (maps) are available for viewing here:

These documents are available in other formats, please contact Planning staff to request. 

Printed copies of the Official Plan are also available from the Town for a fee. Request a copy by contacting Planning staff.  

The index of Schedules A to D (maps):


Schedule A

Town Structure

Schedule A-1

Urban Structure

Schedule B

Urban Planning Area Land Use Plan

Schedule B-1

Holland Landing Land Use Plan

Schedule B-2

Queensville Land Use Plan

Schedule B-3

Sharon Land Use Plan

Schedule B-4

Highway 404 Employment Corridor Secondary Plan

Schedule B-5

Green Lane Corridor Land Use Plan

Schedule C

Rural Planning area Land Use Plan

Schedule C-1

Mount Albert Land Use Plan

Schedule D

Natural Heritage System

Schedule D-1

Natural Heritage System in the Urban Planning Area

Schedule D-2

Oak Ridges Moraine Natural Heritage System

The index of Schedules E to L (maps):


Schedule E

Transportation Network

Schedule E-1

Cycling Network

Schedule F

Parks, Trails, and Community Facilities

Schedule F-1

Parks, Trails and Community Facilities in the Urban Planning Area

Schedule G

Resource Management Plan

Schedule G-1

Wellhead Protection Significant Threat Area

Schedule H

Landform Conservation Areas

Schedule I

Areas of High Aquifer Vulnerability

Schedule J

Wellhead Protection Quantity Area (WHPA-Q)

Schedule K

Significant Groundwater Recharge Areas

Schedule L

Highly Vulnerable Aquifers


How to read the Official Plan?

When determining conformity with this Plan, reference both the policies contained in the text of this Plan and the designations shown on the Schedules. Please do not read or interpret Individual policies and schedules in isolation.

The boundaries between various land uses, specific quantities, proportions, dates, and locations of this Plan represent the desired intent of the Town but are not rigid, absolute standards. The policies will take precedence in the case of any discrepancy between the text and the Schedules of this Plan.

The Appendices provide background information related to the interpretation and implementation of policies but are not part of the approved Official Plan.

Note: Aside from the Highway 404 Employment Corridor Secondary Plan, the Town's secondary plans are incorporated into the Town's Official Plan.

What is a Secondary Plan?

Much like the Official Plan, the Secondary Plan is another layer of the Town's visioning document that is more specific to an area of Town expects to experience major growth. The Secondary Plan is to help:

  • Helps further define and implement the objectives and planning approach identified in the Official Plan
  • For this area, it guides the overall physical development
  • Prevent development happening without a comprehensive understanding of how the surrounding parcels fit together as a whole
  • It gives guidance to the appropriate massing, density, built form, public realm, and public services
Current secondary plans

The following secondary plans are built into the Official Plan document, please review the Official Plan in its entirety for policies within the secondary plan area.

  • Green Lane Secondary Plan
  • Sharon
  • Holland Landing
  • Queensville
  • Mount Albert
Highway 404 Employment Corridor Secondary Plan

The Highway 404 Employment Corridor Secondary Plan contains detailed policies to guide employment growth along Hwy 404 north of Green Lane.

Additional Information on the Green Lane Corridor 

What if my proposal does not meet the Official Plan's policies?

Privately initiated Official Plan Amendments

The Official Plan provides flexibility to permit minor variations to some policies without the necessity of a formal amendment to the Official Plan. As such, the Official Plan may be changed or amended as the community's needs change. For more information on Official Plan Amendments, you can visit the Development Applications page.


Town initiated

EG also reviews and updates its Official Plan in accordance with the timeframes under the Planning Act. EG is currently reviewing and updating its Official Plan. For more information on the review, please visit our Official Plan Review page.

Official Plan Review

We are currently reviewing and updating the Town's Official Plan. For more information on the review, please visit our Official Plan Review page.

Other Relevant Information

Official Plan Review Official Plan Amendments Development Applications York Region Official Plan Provincial Growth Plan Provincial Policy Statement (PPS)The Ontario Planning Act