Water is perhaps our most valuable resource; it is essential that water conservation be foremost in our minds to sustain supplies during periods of reduced rainfall and peak demand.  Essential water reserves must be maintained to provide unrestricted water use for activities of necessity associated with indoor water use and fire protection.

York Region is responsible for the supply of municipal potable water (wells, reservoirs, etc.) and the Town is responsible for the distribution of municipal water through local watermains to homes, businesses, and buildings.

Outdoor Water Use By-law

During the summer months, the Town's Outdoor Water Use By-law limits the use of municipally supplied water for outdoor activities, like watering lawns and gardens, washing vehicles, or filling swimming pools to specific days.

Get familiar with EG's Outdoor Water Use By-law!

  1. Homes with an even numbered address may use water outdoors only on even numbered days of the month.
  2. Homes with an odd numbered address may use water outdoors only on odd numbered days of the month.
  3. Water may only be used outdoors from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. 
  4. One-month grace period for new sod and seed

In addition to the Town's Outdoor Water Use By-law restrictions, York Region may declare it necessary to ban the use of Town water for outdoor uses to ensure supplies are available for essential purposes. The ban may be declared based on the stages below:


Stage 1
Residents are requested to voluntarily ban the use of municipal water for outdoor purposes.

Stage 2
Residents are required to ban the use of municipal water for outdoor purposes.

Stage 3
This stage is the same as a Stage 2 with additional conservation measures for industrial and commercial sectors.

Please note that there may exceptions to any outdoor water restrictions or bans, for more information please view EG's Outdoor Water Use By-law 

If you have any questions, please email the Town's Water branch for assistance.

Water Conservation Tips

To control water use at home, remember to follow the 3 Rs:


  • Wash your clothes in cold water when possible. This will lower the amount of energy used to heat your water.
  • Do not rinse dishes before placing them in the dishwasher – instead scrape them into the green bin.


  • Leaks from fixtures such as water softeners and toilets are the most common causes of high bills. Pick up a leak detection kit from Customer Service to test your toilet. 


  • Older toilets (like those installed before 1994) can use between 13-20 litres of water per flush. An average person flushes the toilet 5 times per day. Replacing a high-volume toilet is one of the best ways to reduce water use and save money.

Outdoor Tips

  • Collect roof water to use at home for all your outdoor water needs! To order a rain barrel, visit www.rainbarrel.ca  for more information. 
  • Water your lawn or garden early in morning to reduce evaporation and avoid fungus growth and mould.
  • Let the water soak in. If water puddles due to dry or compacted soil, stop watering and allow time for it to seep into the ground.
