File Number: SPA.24.10

Applicant Name: NewRoads Automotive Group

The Site Plan application proposes to develop a two-storey Toyota automotive dealership consisting of a showroom, service centre, and sales facility. The western portion of the subject lands will be primarily used for vehicle storage. Access is proposed via the approved Extension of Harry Walker Parkway which will divide the western and eastern portion of the subject lands. The development of the eastern portion is not related to this application. There is no access to the subject lands proposed from Green Lane East. The proposed development will consist of a 4,622.30 square metre building. The site is proposed to be connected to municipal services. Access to the subject lands including the 219 parking spaces and development will be from Harry Walker Parkway. Additional phases will be subject to a future site plan application and is not a part of the current application. 

Application status

This application is currently under review.

Application materials
Active Applications