The Town of East Gwillimbury (EG) has many Committees, Groups, and Boards which help contribute to the betterment of our community. Please see the below list for additional information.

Council will accept volunteer applications for individuals who would like to contribute to the community.

We are currently recruiting for volunteer positions on the Youth Advisory Committee. We are also looking for members for our Accessibility Advisory Committee. Please be aware that the majority of Accessibility Advisory Committee members must be persons with a disability as defined by the Ontario Disability Act.

Apply for a Council Appointed Committee or Board in EG

Council has established Statutory Committees and Community Groups for the 2022-2026 term of Council, as listed in the tables below.

Statutory committees

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Town of East Gwillimbury is proudly committed to promoting equal opportunity and access for all citizens with disabilities to participate in a universally accessible community.

The Accessibility Advisory Committee must consist of a minimum of five members, a majority of who are disabled as defined by the Ontario Disability Act.

The Committee objectives are as follows:

  • Review and provide advice to Council regarding the Town's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.
  • Advise Council on accessibility issues for those buildings the Town purchases, constructs, significantly renovates, or leases.
  • Review site plans as outlined in Section 29 of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11 (AODA).
  • Identify and document relevant issues and concerns, as they relate to universal accessibility.
  • Promote public awareness and sensitivity with respect to issues affecting people with disabilities.
  • Liaison and communicate with York Region Accessibility Advisory Committee.

Regular Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. between the following months: 

  • January to June
  • September to November

View the Accessibility Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference

View the Accessibility Advisory Committee's Agendas and Minutes

Appeals Committee

The Appeals Committee is an appointed body that meets to deliberate appeal applications on Orders issued by the Town's By-law Enforcement Branch.

The Committee's should have a minimum of three members and a maximum of five members.

The Appeals Committee is established for the purpose of hearing appeals pursuant to the following by-laws:

The Committee is responsible to hear and determine whether to uphold, rescind or modify the Order.

The fourth Thursday of each month is tentatively reserved for the meeting and is held under the condition that an appeal application is received.

View the Appeals Committee's Terms of Reference 

View the Appeals Committee's Agendas and Minutes

Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is an appointed body and complies with the provisions outlined in the Planning Act.

The Committee should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Committee of Adjustment is established to consider and make decisions on applications from property owners or agents on for the following:

  • Minor Variances from the provisions of the Zoning By-law.
  • Extensions, enlargements, or variations of existing legal non-conforming uses under the Zoning By-law.
  • Land Division (severing a new lot from an existing lot, adding land to an existing lot, easements, mortgages, or leases in excess of 21 years).
  • Determine whether a particular use conforms with the provisions of the Zoning By-law where the uses of land, building or structures permitted in the by-law are defined in general terms.

The Committee meets on the last Wednesday of every month, at 7:00 p.m., excluding December, and is held on the condition that an application is received.

The deadline for submitting applications is 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting.


For more information, please email the committee

View the Committee of Adjustment Terms of Reference

View the Committee of Adjustment Agendas and Minutes

Council Advisory Committees

Active Transportation and Trails

The Active Transportation and Trails Committee provides guidance, advice and general resource related to trail development and use in the Town of East Gwillimbury, guided by the direction outlined in the Active Transportation and Trails Master Plan (ATTMP), to Council and the Community Parks, Recreation and Culture Department (CPRC).

The Committee should have a minimum of 5 members, and includes representatives from the Regional Municipality of York, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, community trail groups and/or associations, and the general public with an interest in parks and recreation and trail development.

The Committee objectives are as follows:

  • Work with the East Gwillimbury Community, Parks, Recreation and Culture staff to provide guidance and advice on updates to the ATTMP.
  • Identify, in conjunction with, Community Parks, Recreation and Culture staff, annual trail development and/or redevelopment priorities in public parks, green spaces and utility corridors in accordance with the ATTMP.
  • Provide input and support to CPRC and CIES staff in the development of a long-term capital work plan in accordance with the ATTMP that includes property acquisition, new trail construction, existing trail improvements and roadway development and in the prioritization of annual capital budget projects.
  • Review and comment on Draft Plan and Secondary Plans of Development including applicable site plans for the purposes of providing advice to Council and staff with the planning and implementation of the ATTMP.

The Committee's meetings are held last Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

View the Active Transportation and Trails Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference

View the Active Transportation and Trails Advisory Committee's Agendas and Minutes

Arts and Culture

The Arts and Culture Advisory Committee was established to provide expert community input on public art policies, projects and procedures. To recommend activities for the stabilization and strengthening of the arts and culture community. For more information, please contact us.

The Committee objectives are as follows:

  • Provide encouragement to artists and art organizations in the community.

  • Foster the development of and promote awareness of public arts and cultural activities in East Gwillimbury.

  • The Committee will act as a point of contact and connection for members of the arts community.

  • Celebrate the social and economic benefits of arts and culture throughout the community and its role in creating quality of place.

The Committee's meetings are held on the second Monday of June, July, and September.

From October to December, the meetings are held on the first Monday of these months. All meetings are scheduled for 7 p.m.

View the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference

View the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee's Agendas and Minutes

Visit the Arts and Culture page for more information on Arts and Culture in EG!

Diversity and Inclusion

The Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee of Council promotes community engagement, creates an inclusive community, and celebrates the unique characteristics of East Gwillimbury residents.

The Committee objectives are as follows:

  • Provide advice, comments, and recommendations on issues affecting diversity in the community to foster awareness, reduce barriers, promote inclusion, and engage residents. Additionally, the committee will facilitate opportunities to educate and celebrate the different aspects of diverse cultures and traditions through outreach activities.
  • Work with staff and the Region of York on implementing the Town's Inclusion Charter.
  • Liaise with other groups and committees throughout the Town to promote events and inclusivity within the community.

The Committee's meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every other month at 7 p.m.


Learn more about how EG Celebrate's our Community


View the Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference

View the Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee's Agendas and Minutes

Economic Development

The Economic Development Advisory Committee advises and assists the Town in increasing the economic prosperity of the Community, consistent with the Town Official Plan, Town Strategic Plan and Economic Development Strategy.

  • The Committee will assist and support Council and staff to develop economic opportunities to help the growth and progress of East Gwillimbury as a desirable place to do business through the following objectives: Work with staff to enhance and refine the “Business First” program.
  • Develop new and existing enterprises, inclusive of agriculture, through support and provision of opportunities for economic development growth designed to enhance the quality of life and prosperity in our community.
  • Promote business retention and expansion to maintain the viability of the existing business core, including downtown revitalization initiatives.
  • Work in partnership with staff and the East Gwillimbury Chamber of Commerce on tourism initiatives.
  • The Committee's meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m.

View the Economic Development Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference

View the Economic Development Advisory Committee's Agendas and Minutes


The Environmental Advisory Committee is responsible for providing advice and recommendations to Council on environmental issues. The Committee is an environmental advisory body that will promote the stewardship, preservation, conservation, protection, and enhancement of the natural environment in the Town of East Gwillimbury.

The Committee should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Committee objectives are as follows:

  • Promote/Plan community events and activities for stewardship, awareness, education, and outreach.
  • Liaise with other environmental advisory committees, including York Region environmental groups and organizations.
  • Assist and advise staff in the creation of a comprehensive water conservation strategy that includes communications, education, and incentives to help reduce water usage and residents' water bills.
  • Provide advice to Council and Staff with respect to, but not limited to the Municipal Storm Water Management Plan, “thinking green” sustainability policies, and the energy efficiency of municipally owned properties.

The Committee meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.

View the Environmental Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference

View the Environmental Advisory Committee's Agendas and Minutes


The Committee is a legislated committee established to provide advice and assist Town Council on heritage matters to address requirements under the Ontario Heritage Act.

The Committee should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Committee objectives are as follows:

  • The Heritage Advisory Committee shall advise Council on all matters relating to the conservation of buildings of historic or architectural value and on all matters relating to the designations in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act.
  • Work with staff to revise and update the Town's “Register of Cultural Heritage Properties” and make recommendations to designate those properties of significance.
  • Work with staff to identify and recommend to Council areas that should be designated as “Heritage Districts”.

View the Heritage Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference 

View the Heritage Advisory Committee's Agendas and Minutes 


The Youth Advisory Committee will provide advice, comments, and recommendations on issues affecting youth in the community to promote inclusion and engage youth through outreach activities. The Committee will also liaise with other groups and committees throughout the Town to promote events and inclusion within the community.

The composition of the Committee shall be a minimum of 5 members, the majority of whom are youth members and should reflect the diverse residents of the Town of East Gwillimbury.

The committee shall be composed of:

  • Up to 5 youth members aged 12- 16
  • Up to 2 members aged 17 – 19
  • 1- 2 adult members who can supervise and support youth members including liaising with other groups and committees

The Committee meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Loft.

View the Youth Advisory Committee's Terms of Reference

View the Youth Advisory Committee's Agendas and Minutes

Working Groups

Farmers' Market

The purpose of the Farmer's Market Working Group is to:

  • Host a family atmosphere farmers' market.
  • Showcase East Gwillimbury's agricultural wealth, to encourage healthy eating, and to encourage the environment- friendly 100-mile diet.
  • Appreciate the financial contribution for the Town of East Gwillimbury while making appropriate plans to become self-sufficient.

The Group should have a minimum 4 members, with 50% of the committee being farmers or vendors at the market and 50% being non-vendors.

The Group's role is to:

  • Coordinate, promote and oversee the East Gwillimbury Farmers' Market.
  • Encourage healthy eating through a variety of demonstrations, promotions, and educational activities.
  • Encourage a wide range of product offerings while focusing on products fresh from the farm.

The Group's meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m.

View the Farmers' Market Working Group's Terms of Reference

Santa Claus Parade

The mission of the Santa Claus Parade Working Group is to organize and promote the Annual East Gwillimbury Santa Claus Parade. The organization and coordination of the Santa Claus Parade includes (but not limited to) the following activities:

  • Establish the Date, Route, and Theme
  • Facility Set Up and Refreshment
  • Registration of Floats and Walkers
  • Marshalling and Recruiting Volunteers
  • Booking bands
  • Judging, Advertising and Trophies
  • Partnering with local businesses
  • Working with the Region of York and the York Regional Police

The Group should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Group's meetings are scheduled for the third Wednesday of every month, at 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 

View the Santa Claus Parade Working Group's Terms of Reference

Road Watch

The Road Watch Working Group provides a community perspective on road safety issues, promotes public awareness and education for road safety initiatives and programs, with an aim to enhance community participation and cooperation.

The objective of the Group is to promote road safety and recommend various courses of action for all methods of transportation, including pedestrian, cyclist, and vehicular traffic.

View the Road Watch Working Group's Terms of Reference


The Seniors Working Group is to be a credible communication vehicle about the quality of life for all seniors in the Town of East Gwillimbury. The Group is to raise awareness of seniors' needs, to provide East Gwillimbury seniors with a voice about current issues and emerging concerns and to promote and improve the quality of life for seniors living in East Gwillimbury. 

The Group's objectives are to:

  • Represent East Gwillimbury seniors' perspectives on municipal and other pertinent issues affecting seniors, and provide recommendations and advice on matters which have a direct or indirect impact on older adults within the Town.
  • Act as a liaison to enrich and enhance the lives of seniors within the town, identify barriers, form partnerships with the community and act as a public forum for issues affecting seniors.
  • Provide recommendations based on input received to improve the programs, policies and services provided to seniors.
  • Liaise with other seniors' organizations throughout the town and neighbouring municipalities.

The Group should have a minimum of 5 members.

View the Seniors Working Group's Terms of References


The Broadband Working Group is to identify broadband initiatives for East Gwillimbury. The objectives for the Group are as follows:

  • Provide advice to Council and staff on the municipal involvement in Broadband initiatives and any relating infrastructure investment
  • Build relationships with existing Broadband providers such as Bell, Rogers, Vianet, Explorenet, YorkNet & ENVI to enhance internet connectivity from an employment perspective and a residential perspective in rural areas
  • Share findings and liaise with the Town's Economic Development Committee

The Group should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Group's meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month, at 7:00 p.m. 

View the Broadband Working Group's Terms of Reference 

Community Groups

North Union

The North Union Community Group's mission is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to Council regarding community engagement and the organization of Special Events

The Group should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Group's objectives are as follows:

  • Organize, promote, and host a variety of community events that enhances community interaction and inclusiveness.
  • Advise and assist Council on all matters related to community engagement, events, and festivals.
  • Provide Council with a list of dates and times for the upcoming year's events.
  • Make recommendations on policies and actively support and promote community engagement including special community events.

The Group's meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

View the North Union Community Group's Terms of Reference

River Drive Park

The River Drive Park Community Group's mission is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to Council regarding community engagement and the organization of Special

The Group should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Group's objectives are as follows:

  • Organize, promote, and host a variety of community events that enhances community interaction and inclusiveness.
  • Advise and assist Council on all matters related to community engagement, events, and festivals.
  • Provide Council with a list of dates and times for the upcoming year's events.
  • Make recommendations on policies and actively support and promote community engagement including special community events.

View the River Drive Park Community Group's Terms of Reference

Holland Landing

The Holland Landing Community Group's mission is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to Council regarding community engagement and the organization of special events.

The Group should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Group's objectives are as follows:

  • Organize, promote, and host a variety of community events that enhances community interaction and inclusiveness.
  • Advise and assist Council on all matters related to community engagement, events, and festivals.
  • Provide Council with a list of dates and times for the upcoming year's events
  • Make recommendations on policies and actively support and promote community engagement including special community events.

Liaise with other existing community groups to obtain advice and ideas with respect to ongoing operations and events

View the Holland Landing Community Group's Terms of Reference


Learn more about Holland Landing's Light Up the Landing: Holiday Lights Competition! 


The Queensville-Sharon Community Group's mission is to review, evaluate and make recommendations to Council regarding community engagement and the organization of special events. 

The Group should have a minimum of 5 members.

The Group's objectives are as follows:

  • Organize, promote, and host a variety of community events that enhances community interaction and inclusiveness.
  • Advise and assist Council on all matters related to community engagement, events, and festivals.
  • Provide Council with a list of dates and times for the upcoming year's events.
  • Make recommendations on policies and actively support and promote community engagement including special community events.
  • Liaise with other existing community groups to obtain advice and ideas with respect to ongoing operations and events.

View the Queensville-Sharon Community Group's Terms of Reference


Public Library

Please visit the East Gwillimbury Public Library Website for more details. 


Pound Keeper and Livestock Valuator

Review the Pound Keeper and Livestock Valuator Terms of Reference.