Recognizing that climate change is a significant threat to East Gwillimbury, in April 2023, Council unanimously declared a climate emergency for the municipality and directed staff to work on a Climate Adaptation Plan to find adaptation options and opportunities.
A first step is to assess climate change–related risks and vulnerabilities in EG. This assessment is being supported through the Ontario Resource Centre for Climate Adaptation (ORCCA) Staff Capacity Program. This program aims to support adaptation efforts throughout Ontario by providing capacity and expertise. ORCCA is a pilot initiative led by ICLEI Canada (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) and supported by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) alongside financial support from the Government of Canada through the federal Department of Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Next steps include identifying and prioritizing adaptation opportunities and actions with community input.
Have you noticed changes in weather patterns? How are you adapting to the effects and impacts of Climate Change? Please share your thoughts at
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