Have you felt like your grass needs cutting every few days? Us too!
Did you know that all of these factors can affect grass-cutting in EG?
The more rain, the thicker, longer and faster the grass grows - which means it takes longer to cut.
If the grass or ground is wet and soft, cutting can damage the turf and the equipment. Don't worry, we'll come back to finish these spots when it's dry!
Town grass is cut in stages to limit the amount of trimmings left behind. We leave the trimmings behind because they act as a natural fertilizer and help our grass grow.
Our lawns are pesticide-free (YAY) which means that pesky weeds like dandelions will be cut as part of the regular trimming cycle.
All of this trimming is done by 14 staff who cut over 350 acres every 10 to 12 days. This wet weather has made for excellent growing, but we're trying to keep up with our lawns too.
Thanks for your understanding as we work our grasses off to keep up.
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