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Council Highlights Banner

Upcoming Council Meetings

July 23 – Committee of the Whole at 2 p.m. 

Kindred Spirits Day School, a nature-based private school is making a deputation to Council regarding plans to convert an existing property into a new schoolhouse. 
Development Services

  • Animal Services Agreement – Staff are presenting an update on the pilot animal services agreement launched in 2022 and presenting options for future animal control services in EG. 

  • Sharon Heritage District Study – Staff are seeking Council endorsement to refine the boundaries of the Sharon Heritage Conservation District (HCD) Study Area and proceed to Phase 2 of the project to begin developing an HCD Plan for Council’s review and consideration. 

  • Official Plan Amendment Application for Woodbine GP Inc. 19350, 19512, 19298, 19266, and 19222 Woodbine Avenue, 2176 and 2203 Farr Avenue and 2196 Mount Albert Road [OPA.23.01]. 

Special Council meeting following the Committee of the Whole 

York-Durham Sewage System Allocation Update.

Council will follow at 6 p.m. 

Federal Gas Tax – A By-law will be brought forward to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute a Municipal Funding Agreement with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for the receipt of Canada Community-Building Funds. 

July 25 – Committee of the Whole at 10 a.m.  

Council Meeting Production – Recommendations for enhancing Council meeting broadcasts, including YouTube feeds and camera technology use, will be presented.  

Development Services – Development Services, Planning Branch, will bring forward a report on a Request for Interim Provision of Residential Servicing Allocation to Ashley Park Development (Sharon) Inc. 

Winter Maintenance Update – A summary of EG’s winter maintenance activity from the November 2023 to April 2024 season including the operational program and continuous improvement initiatives for the upcoming season.  

Green Fleet Strategy – An Engineering and Public Works Memo will update on efforts to sustainably manage EG’s fleet, aligned to the Town’s environmental strategy. 

Storm Pond Monitoring Plan and Maintenance Prioritization Update – will provide updates on the outcomes of the Stormwater Management Inspection and Maintenance Prioritization Program, and the planned Comprehensive Stormwater Management Master Plan.  

Leslie Street Active Transportation Updates – Staff will be providing Council with an update on planned active transportation and infrastructure improvements along Leslie Street from Manor Hampton Street to Green Lane. 

Health and Active Plaza Update – A memo with a summary of facility construction to date, including project milestones and images. As well, the Parks, Recreation and Culture team will provide an update on proposed 2025 plans and processes related to the permitting process and fee structure for community halls and room spaces. 

Fire and Emergency Services Updates – Changes regarding the organizational structure of the Fire department will be shared.  

Council will follow at 2 p.m. 

Get Involved!
Review Agendas www.eastgwillimbury.ca/Agendas 
Make deputations www.eastgwillimbury.ca/deputations 
Watch meetings www.youtube.com/TownEastGwillimbury

Watch past meetings online Contact Council

Public Notices Banner

Road Micro-surfacing Begins
Fresh surfaces are coming to a road near you this summer! Road crews are preparing our sidewalks, curbs, and roads for micro-surfacing treatment starting next week. The treatment will extend the life of the road surface, save future construction costs and has less impact on the environment than other road treatments. To learn more about this smooth process and list of locations, visit www.eastgwillimbury.ca/InfrastructureProjects

King Street Park is open!
Park improvements are complete at King Street Park located at 351 King Street in Mount Albert. The newly redeveloped space features a new playground, shade structure, enhanced walkway, tree planting and more. Learn more about the project at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/ParksProjects

Help Develop East Gwillimbury's Heritage Strategy!
Are you a EG resident or business owner? Are you interested in EG’s heritage? We want to hear from you! The Town is seeking input from residents and businesses to help guide the development of a Municipal ​​Heritage Strategy to support heritage preservation. Share your thoughts through our survey at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/Heritage

No One Wants to See Your Junk!
Did you know that illegal dumping is costing you more? The impacts of illegal dumping include the cost to staff time to remove the items and clean the area, the cost to the environment and our beautiful spaces. If you have extra garbage to dispose of, purchase collection tags – the first five are FREE, from the EG Civic Centre (19000 Leslie Street) or Sports Complex (1914B Mount Albert Road) Customer Service desks during regular hours. Learn more at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/Dumping

EnGage with EG
Help us plan unforgettable moments in EG! EG is developing a municipal events strategy to enhance Town events and connect and engage with the community. Give us your feedback on how we can grow and improve our events and partnerships, guide future event planning and help lead a more connected, inclusive and sustainable community.

Meet with our project team at Music Nights on Tuesday, July 23 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Civic Centre to share your thoughts.
Take the survey at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/EventsStrategy

National Drowning Prevention Week
National Drowning Prevention Week (NDPW) July 21 to 27 is the Lifesaving Society’s annual drowning prevention awareness event. Here are some tips to keep you and your loved ones safe:

  • Always wear a lifejacket when in open water
  • Learn to swim if you are going in open water or near water
  • Supervise people when near water

Learn more safety and awareness tips at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/Aquatic

Notice of Construction – Mount Albert Road and Cupples Farm Lane/Royal Oak Road
York Region is making improvements to Mount Albert Road at the Cupples Farm Lane/Royal Oak Road intersection in EG with the installation of a pedestrian crossover. The intersection will feature signs, pavement markings and flashing lights to define the crossing area, increase visibility and driver awareness.

Work is scheduled to begin this month taking place Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for six months. The road will remain open to traffic; however, temporary lane restrictions may be required. Access to homes and businesses will be maintained. Visit York Region’s website for more information.

Employment Opportunities Header

Town Events Banner

East Gwillimbury Farmers Market
Visit the Farmers Market every Thursday from 2 to 7 p.m. until October 10 at the EG Civic Centre (19000 Leslie Street). Market goers will enjoy special event theme days, local shopping, live music, and more. Join us next week for Kidsfest! Find more details at www.egfm.ca

Music Nights presented by TD
Join us on Tuesday, July 23, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the EG Civic Centre (19000 Leslie Street) for a night with The Beresfords! Enjoy the awesome sounds of a brother and sister country music duo! Arrive at 6:30 p.m. to grab a great spot (bring your own seating) and shop from local food and beverage vendors while watching the show! For more details, visit www.eastgwillimbury.ca/MusicNights

Curbside Giveaway Day
Join Curbside Giveaway Day on July 27 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. residents are invited to place unwanted items, labeled FREE, at the curb for the community to browse and take for their own use. Learn more at www.york.ca

Celebrating the Arts: A Taste of Culture
Mark August 9 from 5 to 10 p.m. and August 10 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. in your calendars for EG's summer cultural event! Celebrating the Arts: A Taste of Culture is on at the East Gwillimbury Civic Centre (19000 Leslie Street) with FREE admission to enjoy live music, excellent food, entertainment, a kid’s zone, and more! Learn more and view our vendors at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/TOC

Economic Development Banner

Business Foundations
Interested in refining your entrepreneurial skills to launch or improve your business?

Join York University’s YSpace for Business Foundations workshop is covering vital business management aspects including market research, business plan development and operations setup, branding strategies and more. The virtual workshop series runs Tuesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. until August 27, 2024.

Attend at least seven out of nine workshops to receive an Innovation York Certificate of Completion, showcasing your dedication to entrepreneurship essentials.

Business Foundations is free for entrepreneurs aged 18 and above in York Region.
Learn more and register at www.advantageeg.ca/YSpace


East Gwillimbury Public Library Banner

Drums et al - African Storytelling Presentation
Join Drums et al for Tales by Moonlight on Wednesday, July 24 at 1 p.m. at the East Gwillimbury Public Library Mount Albert Library branch (19300 Centre Street). This presentation is not only about storytelling, but encompasses singing, chanting, and drumming, which are all features of traditional African storytelling styles! This presentation is for ages 4 to 13. Please register from the Library’s Events Calendar.


Find more events or submit your own!

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