eNews - Stay up to date on Town events, new and programs.

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Council Highlights Banner

Highlights from the May 7 Committee of Whole of Council meeting:

Lake Simcoe Watch delegated regarding phosphorus pollution in the lake, and plans for reduction by 2030. Council endorsed a resolution with a goal to reduce Lake Simcoe’s phosphorus pollution by 50%, with a target date of 2030. 

An update from the Active Transportation and Trails Committee outlines the many 2024 community trail events.

Two reports from Development Services were on the agenda: Report DS2024-11: Zoning By-law Amendment and Official Plan Amendment Applications Sharonvit Estates Inc. The report was received, and approved in principle by Council. Staff will bring forward additional recommendations for consideration at the next CWC meeting. Report DS2024-12: Follow up to Redwood Community Infrastructure Housing Accelerator (CIHA) Request and Minister’s Zoning Order (MZO) Framework, was approved as presented.

Engineering and Public Works provided an update on 2023 fill operations. The Town’s fill program regulates the placing of fill through a By-law, by regulating technical and environmental requirements to fill or alter the grade of land in the Town. An update to the by-law is underway; a public Information open house will take place in the months to come.

EG’s Fire Prevention Division staff members were recognized by the Intercultural Dialogue Institute (IDI) for their efforts in breaking down barriers between the public and first response agencies. Congratulations to Fire Prevention Officer Shawna Davidson, Fire Inspector Kalai Walton, Fire Inspector Derek Hill, and Public Education Officer Nicole Spragg.

Congratulations are also extended to EG’s finance team for the recognition they’ve received from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for the Town’s Annual Financial Report.
A By-law to designate The William James Sloane House under the Ontario Heritage Act, located at 19081 Yonge Street, was brought forward and enacted. A description of the property and its history can be found in the report.

Special Meeting May 14
The next meeting of Council is a Special Council meeting
to be held on May 14, 2024 at 10 a.m. A draft Heritage Strategy for EG will be presented.

Get involved!
Review the Agenda at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/Agendas 
Make a deputation at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/deputations 
Watch the meeting at www.youtube.com/TownEastGwillimbury

Watch past meetings online Contact Council

Public Notices Banner

Property Taxes
Property taxes were due on April 30, 2024. If you haven't paid yet, payment can be made by:

  • Pre-authorized Payment Plan
  • Online/phone banking through your bank
  • In person at the office/drop box or any chartered bank
  • By mail
  • Pay online via portal

Learn more at  www.eastgwillimbury.ca/propertytax

Grant Park Improvements
We’re replacing the walkways at Grant Park, located at 29 Milne Lane. The park will be closed from May 10 to 14 for repaving. During construction, please follow all signs posted in the area. To find an alternate park to visit during construction, please visit www.eastgwillimbury.ca/parks

Procedural By-law
Did you know East Gwillimbury has a Procedural By-law? The by-law outlines how Council meetings are run, the responsibilities of members, and voting procedures. Visit www.eastgwillimbury.ca/ProceduralBylaw to learn more about the by-law, how to engage with Council meetings and more.

Register for Summer Camp
Enjoy sports camp, specialty camps, art camp, and a variety of summer camp fun! Register and view the Summer Camp Guide at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/summercamps

Spring Solstice Art Show
Celebrate the spring season with the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee’s Spring Solstice Art Show. View beautiful local pieces in the atrium at the Civic Centre during regular business hours. If you would like to purchase a piece, visit Customer Service for assistance. Learn more about Arts and Culture in EG at www.eastgwillimbury.ca/artsandculture

Backyard Composters
York Region residents can order a backyard composter online until May 12 for only $35, including delivery and tax. Composting guides will be provided with your composter to help with installation and use. There is a limit of two composters per household. Learn more at york.ca/compost

Town Events Header

East Gwillimbury Farmers Market is Open!
Join us at the Civic Centre (19000 Leslie St) every Thursday from 2 to 7 p.m. for:

  • Kids activities with the Lil Farmers Club
  • Local artisan gifts
  • Music and entertainment
  • Fresh fruit, vegetables, and baked goods

Stay up to date on vendors at the Farmers Market at www.egfm.ca

Community Events and Information Header

Love it. Break it. Fix it.
Are you holding on to an item that needs a quick fix? A button to be sewn, a vacuum that needs a new cord or a bicycle that needs a wheel alignment? Then a Repair Café may be the place for you, where volunteer fixers do their best to fix your item for free.  
Join the next Repair Café on Saturday, May 11, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the East Gwillimbury Public Library Holland Landing branch at 19513 Yonge Street. Find more details and register at york.ca/RepairCafe

York Region Tree Planting
Join York Region on May 11 at 5028 Queensville Sideroad to celebrate the York Regional Forest’s 100th anniversary with a community tree planting event! This family-friendly day includes free tree seedlings for each participant. Gloves and shovels will be provided. Learn more at york.ca/ForestEvents

Family Fun Day
Join York Region for Family Fun Day to celebrate National Public Works Week with interactive displays, trucks and equipment, children’s activities, and a barbeque lunch in support of local charities. Join the fun on Saturday, May 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 90 Bales Dr. E. in East Gwillimbury. Learn more at york.ca/PublicWorks

Easter Seals Run
The Easter Seals Run for National AccessAbility Week takes place on May 26! Walk or run 5km or 10 km or roll 5km at the Newmarket Riverwalk Commons at 200 Doug Duncan Drive. Register or donate now at 2024 Easter Seals Run.

East Gwillimbury Public Library Header

Point, Click, Connect: Computer Skills Training with Job Skills
Need help with your computer skills? This two-day workshop will boost your confidence, knowledge, and practical digital skills. This is a free workshop for adults held at the East Gwillimbury Public Library Holland Landing branch.
Session one: Tuesday, June 11 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Session two: Wednesday, June 12 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Please register on the Job Skills website or call your local Library branch for assistance.

Find more events or submit your own!

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